Limbo received critical acclaim, but its minimal story polarised critics some critics found the open-ended work to have deeper meaning that tied well with the game's mechanics, while others believed the lack of significant plot and abrupt ending detracted from the game. Based on its aesthetics, reviewers classified Limbo as an example of video games as an art form. Journalists praised the dark presentation, describing the work as comparable to film noir and German Expressionism. The game is presented in black-and-white tones, using lighting, film grain effects and minimal ambient sounds to create an eerie atmosphere often associated with the horror genre.

Playdead called the style of play "trial and death", and used gruesome imagery for the boy's deaths to steer the player from unworkable solutions. The developer built the game's puzzles expecting the player to fail before finding the correct solution.

The player guides an unnamed boy through dangerous environments and traps as he searches for his sister. Limbo is a 2D side-scroller, incorporating a physics system that governs environmental objects and the player character. The game was released in July 2010 on Xbox Live Arcade, and has since been ported by Playdead to several other systems, including the PlayStation 3, Linux and Microsoft Windows. This monochromatic, as well as melancholic 2.5D, side-scrolling game, is a brainteaser that you wouldn’t want to put down.Limbo is a puzzle- platform video game developed by independent studio Playdead and originally published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox 360. Both are eye openers upon ending the game. The game has 2 endings as well, the original ending as well as the alternate ending. If and when you are in the game, you will just have to continue from the recent checkpoint. You must be careful though because your character can die in so many ways: drowning, captured by machines, getting hit by shockwaves, mauled by dogs, shot by a tranquilizer dart and much more. Using a mind-control helmet you can use the zombie-like people to do your bidding. The game offers environmental puzzles for you to solve to progress in the game.

There is a lot of things that the boy is running from like the zombie-like people, the scientists and so much more. The game opens with the boy running away from masked guards with flashlights in a world that are very dark and a bit confusing. You will play as a nameless boy in a red shirt. From the makers of the game, Limbo is another exciting puzzle platformer. Inside is an action, adventure video game that is developed and published by Playdead.